Story 2 - Koga Ninja Trivia Notes
Episode 1 - The Secret Treasure

The first episode of the 'classic' series of Samurai programs. I personally don't regard Story 1 as part of 'The Samurai' series. It doesn't feature ninjas, nor Tombei (Tonbei) or Shusaku and most of the killings are by guns or arrows. It's also dubbed by pretty much different voice artists compared to the other programs. The voice of Shintaro is also the same US voice of Shinnosuke (New Samurai). I suspect it was dubbed by Leon Leoncavello who probably dropped out of voicing at the end of Story 2. William Ross then came in to voice Shintaro and takeover the dubbing and translation (with his Japanese wife). I assume that Leon Leoncavello was then re-hired with another voice over team for the New Samurai seasons.
* The first audio we hear is the infamous late night 'dog noises' that are used throughout the series. (I just hope the dog got commission!) * 35 of the Scanlens bubble gum cards are taken from this episode. Although I doubt as children we were aware of that fact. 21 of the cards feature the 'Koga Ninja' from this episode.

* For some reason Shintaro didn't have the ponytail but had his hair up in a bun. By the next episode and the rest of the season he has the ponytail. * Shintaro makes his first appearance 90 seconds into the episode and utters - "What are you doing?"

* This episode also introduced the boy Shusaku. However in this first program he had a different dubbed voice to what we hear in other episodes. I suspect it may have been dubbed by a female. According to Burr Middleton (Hoyle), one of the US voice artists, it was a boy called Robert Sherman who dubbed Shusaku's voice.
* Shusaku's first words were - "Ouch! I'm sorry."
* We learn that Shintaro trained under Donkai when he was 9. Donkai was played by Jun Usami (pictured) who died in 1980 aged 70.

* We hear the famous phrase "prepare to die" twice in this episode.
* There is one recorded death when Shintaro kills the Koga Ninja. (Although the Koga Ninja kills someone early in the episode.)
* Yoichiro Mikawa who plays Lord Sadanobu Matsudaira, died in 1976 aged 58 (pneumonia).
Episode 2: Stolen Face
* In this episode we see the same actor (Akao Sanzo) who played Kitobo (in the Fuma Ninja series).

* In this episode we also see the first females ... a mother and daughter. * From this episode onwards we see Shintaro with his traditional hairstyle with the ponytail.
* For the first time we hear the famous "Samurai" theme - "Edo No Onmitsu Wataridori."
* In this episode Shintaro agrees to take care of Shusaku and commits to finding his father.
* The regular dubbed voice of Shusaku commences with this program.
* Shintaro kills a second Koga Ninja.
Episode 3: Track Of The Ninja
* For the first time we see Shintaro wearing a basket hat (komuso).

* Shintaro kills a third Koga Ninja in a battle fought in bushland.
* Shintaro delivers the gracious line: "For a ninja you fought well."
Episode 4: The Deathless One

* For the first time we see the actor Fuyukichi Maki - who went on to play Tombei. In this season (story) he plays Kurobei, a Koga Ninja. His voice is provided by the same American who voiced Shintaro in Season/Story 1 and Shinnosuke in The New Samurai. I think it may have been Leonardo Leoncavello.
* We also see the first 'steam bath scene' with Shintaro and Shusaku. In a later episode we are shocked to see Shusaku's bare bum!

* Kurobei shares some ninja secrets: "I can eat sand and stones and all sorts of things." We also learn that ninjas can ... jump 18 feet, fall 50 feet, and walk 112 miles a day. They also can see 18 times more and hear 14 times better (than a normal human).
* We see snow for the first time in a Samurai episode.
* One of the most comical scenes in The Samurai is when we see Kurobei testing foods to see if they are poisonous.
* Shintaro kills a fourth Koga Ninja - the Deathless One. He was played by Kenjiro Uemura (see below) who appeared in many Japanese movies and TV dramas. He died in 1979 aged 65.

Episode 5 : The Unseen Enemy
* Some memorable lines include:
"I never realised how beautiful Mt Fuji is" - Kurobei.
" The true spirit of human life is to love your fellow man, help him, try and build a peaceful world" - Shintaro.
"I feel I am reborn again into a better world" - a repentant Kurobei.
* Shintaro is injured for the first time and still has eye injuries (caused by the Deathless Ninja). Fortunately Kurobei knows about a "secret medicine flower."
* Shintaro kills a fifth Koga Ninja.

Episode 6: Danger In The Temple
* For the first time we see a regular Samurai cast member - Jushiro Kobayashi. He plays several roles as an enemy including 'The Old Man' in the Black Ninja Season and also appeared in the Phantom Ninja series. In this episode he plays a priest as well as a hunchback with terrible teeth. (I'm very sure the Hunchback character was inspired by the Charles Laughton portrayal of the 'Hunchback of Notre Dame' in the 1939 movie.) Jushiro would have been about 52 at the time. He died in 1996.

* The voice of The Priest/Koga Ninja was dubbed by Mel Ballinger. He was a radio Sports Director who, at that time, was the only English speaker who was allowed to "dub" Toshiro Mifune's (famous Japanese actor) voice. Mel is never credited in The Samurai dubbing credits. According to Burr Hoyle (Middleton) -"Mel was a nice fellow who also played jazz piano in a musical group that we had formed at the Far East Network (in Tokyo)."
* This episode was obviously filmed on a very cold day as we see visible frost when the actors are speaking. I believe this season was filmed in the winter. We also get to see a beautiful shot of Mt Fuji with snow at the end of the episode.
* Memorable line: "Don't worry there's only an old priest and a hunchback here." - a naive Shintaro.
* It's the first episode to show a full on crying scene when a badly injured Kurobei is with Shintaro and Shusaku in the temple. Shusaku also cries at the end of the episode.
* In this episode Kurobei dies. However we see the return of this actor (Fuyukichi Maki) as Tombei in the next season. (Was this planned? Or did the TV creators see that Shintaro should have a companion and Fuyukichi Maki would be perfect for this role?)
* For the first time Shintaro kills more than one ninja. He kills a total of 4 Koga Ninjas. That makes 9 deaths in 6 episodes.
Episode 7: The Spider
* In this episode we see the debut of Bin Amatsu who plays Genzo The Spider. (At this stage Tom Korzeniowski - who voiced Amatsu in later roles, was not a part of William Ross's US voice dubbing team.)

* For some odd reason we don't hear Shusaku's regular US-dubbed voice. We hear the same dubbed voice (possibly female) that we heard in Episode 1 - The Secret Treasure.
* In this episode we are introduced to a female ninja for the first time.She calls herself Chikage but her real name is Oyou. The role was played by actress Kozuki Satomiko. She made numerous movies and TV programs and died in 2018 at the age of 87.

* It's the first episode that doesn't feature a killing by Shintaro - although the female ninja Oyou is killed by Genzo.
* We see a 'ninja house' with secret passages for the first time with Shintaro declaring - "a secret stairway."
* For the first time we see a ninja walking on water wearing special footwear. (known in Japanese as Mizugumo). These were usually circular wooden boards or buckets and they would sometimes use a bamboo paddle for propulsion.
* Memorable line: "I'll let you live this time!" - Genzo the Spider to Shintaro.
* For the first time we see somebody transported in a palanquin. These were used as transportation during the Tokugawa period of Japanese history, which ended in 1868. High-ranking Japanese nobility often sat in the fancy compartments, and as many as six bearers carried it through the streets.
* This episode (a 16mm print) was shown in Australian cinemas in the '90s.
Episode 8: Die Like A Ninja
* Shusaku reverts back to his normal US dubbed voice (Richard Sherman) in this episode.
* For the first time a Samurai episode features two young boys - Shusaku and Goro.
* Also for the first time we see a ninja kill himself (Sarobei) when he blows himself up. Reason: he lost the important map showing the secret passage.
* This is the first episode where we see Shintaro go out to enjoy a few sakes - firstly at an inn and then from a street vendor ... who of course turns out to be a Koga Ninja (Sarobei)

* Shintaro kills another four ninjas (including one who likes to swing from the trees) taking his kill count to 13.
Episode 9: The Double Agent
* Interesting to note that Genzo The Spider has a different US dubbed voice in this episode and in the one previous.
* In this episode we get to a closer view Kofu Castle. It was built after the destruction of the Takeda Clan at the end of the 16th Century. It once covered a large area of 20 hectares, and today is part of the castle ruins and is open to the public as Maizuru Castle Park.

* Memorable line: "Your evil can never win Genzo" - Shintaro.

* Shintaro wears a white head mask (sohei cowl) for the first time.
* We hear the line "midnight and all is well" called out by local officials who are walking the streets late at night. Although translated as "midnight and all is well" - translated it would be - "be careful around the open flames."
* In this episode we hear the popular line ... "why you!"

* Shintaro kills Genzo The Spider taking his ninja death tally to 14. (Bin Amatsu will return in the next season as Densai The Wolf).
Episode 10 : The Hunter
* For the first time, Shintaro is shot at by a gun (by The Hunter).
* In this episode a ninja demonstrates his "magic boomerang flying technique."

* It's the second episode that we see Shintaro wearing a cowl (that resembles bunny ears!)
* First episode featuring a brother (Tukiburra - The Hunter) and a sister (Kumi).
* Shintaro kills a Koga ninja (Kogento). Death count now 15.
* Kumi is played by Yoshiko Kayama. She is a very well known actress and has appeared in numerous Japanese movies and TV shows. She is still acting and can be seen in the 2019 TV series Tetsuko's Room. She was born on January 1, 1944.She is also famous for being a model of Rika-chan dolls.

Episode 11: The Mystic Bridge
* In this episode we see three prisoners escape dragging a ball and chain. We also view a very gruesome death scene as the prisoners are killed by ninja star knives.
* In this episode we also get to see Shusaku's home.
* For the first time we see someone killed by an arrow.
* Memorable quote: "Once again an innocent man is cut down without meaning" - Shintaro.
* A Koga Ninja wearing a Devil Mask hypnotises one of the prisoners who lures Shintaro and Shsaku to the 'Mystic Bridge'.

* In this episode we see a Koga Ninja try and defeat Shintaro with his blinding skill trick - "Shintaro, I'll burn your eyes with lightning." Of course he fails and he becomes death victim #16.
* This is the first episode where snow fall is very evident.

* Keichi Takei (pictured) who plays the Koga Ninja Gunbei, was born in 1930 and turned 90 in 2019. He appeared in the James Bond movie You Only Live Twice. (I think he played a photographic assistant to Tanaka on a train in an uncredited role.)
Episode 12: The Star Jumper
* The most memorable part of this story is the appearance of Shusaku's pet monkey Taro. (I guess the director was hoping that the young viewers wouldn't notice Taro's 20th century pet chain.) At the end of the episode Taro is released into the forest. This is probably the only episode that has an animal in a starring role.

* Memorable Shintaro quotes: "Even if you're poor, you can do honest work for a living" Also: "He used a five star jump pattern - that's why I knew where he'd jump next."
* In this episode Shintaro kills three ninjas including the 'Star Jumper.' Death count #19.
* This episode features the same actor who reappears as the 'Deathless Ninja' in season 3.

Episode 13: The Magic Kite
* Shintaro defeats the remaining Koga Ninjas including their leader. He kills one ninja in a "tree disguise" and another one in the river using a "water disguise." We also witness a graphic scene when the Koga Ninka leader dies and we view blood pouring from his stomach. By my count, Shintaro kills 22 ninjas in this season.
* For the third time we hear the phrase: "Prepare to die."
* This is very memorable as we get to see a Koga Ninja way up high strapped to a kite with a swastika logo. (There's also a similar episode in The New Samurai series also title 'The Magic Kite.')
* In this episode we also see the scene of the Koga Ninjas gathered before their leader - the same scene we view in the opening credits.
* Shintaro finally kills Ryushiro - the leader of the Koga Ninjas. As Ryushiro is dying he tells Shintaro that he will give him the treasure map and also that he wishes to die honourably so could Shintaro please cut his head off. Shintaro actually agrees. (As children we gathered closer to our TV sets to witness our first beheading! But it wasn't to be ... he was just wanting Shintaro to get close enough so that he could blow himself up - as well as Shintaro. You can't trust a ninja!)

* In this final episode Shusaku is reunited with his father and cries out to Shintaro - "we'll meet again someday". And he does ... in Season 4.