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Story 3 - Iga Ninja Trivia Notes

Episode 1 - Secret Mission To Kyoto

The first episode of Season three (or story 3) which was referred to in Australia as Koga Ninjas Part 2 but technically it was 'Iga Ninja'. Genkuro Momochi was actually the head of the Iga Ninjas but as Tombei was an Iga Ninja - and the good guys wore white - this would be too confusing for young viewers so William Ross changed the script and Genkuro's troop was referred to as Koga Ninjas.

* This was also the story that introduced Tombei The Mist. His voice was provided by Cliff Harrington who also voiced other characters.

* Also joining the voice acting team in this season was the wonderful Burr Middleton (credited as Burr Hoyle). In this story he provides the voice of Genkuro and others.

* Shusaku doesn't appear in this season.

* Despite the fact that Shintaro had sworn an oath not to use his sword and stick to handling fishing rods, the High Priest Donkai convinces him to protect Lord Sadanobu.

* You will notice in each new season/story that Shintaro doesn't appear until late in the episode. It was 11 minutes in before we saw Shintaro.

* Tombei makes his debut shortly after and his first lines to Shintaro are: "Thank you very much but I'm in a hurry - please excuse me, thank you."

* Shintaro doesn't actually kill any ninjas in this episode. The only ninja to die is the one who commits suicide by slashing his face with a starknife.

* In this episode we learn that there are 350 way stations on the way to Kyoto which is a trip of 250 miles.

* Unlike the fighting scenes from the previous season - Shintaro for the first time is seen battling 10 ninjas at a time - although he doesn't kill any.

* Late in the episode we finally see Genkuro Momochi played by actor Toshiyuki Katsuki. He played Kiba Jinjuro in the first season of The Samurai : Spy Swordsman. From 1960 to 1961 he starred in the Senkosha TV series Amazing Harimao (see picture - he is wearing sunglasses). There is no record of his death or really what happened in his life after he gave up acting. If he was alive in 2023 he would be 90.

Episode 2 - The Rocket Attack

We learn from the narrator that this story is set in May 1788. In this episode Tombei actually rescues Shintaro - normally it is the other way around. In this episode they officially become a team.

* Only one Koga Ninja is killed in this episode which still leaves Genkuro and eight others.

* In this episode we see Tombei getting stuck into rice cakes (marumochi) for the first time.

* There is a young boy featured in this episode - although it is not Shusaku. However the US voice actor who voiced Shusaku also voiced young Girosaku.

* We also learn that when ninjas travel they use seven different disguises.

Episode 3 - The Bribe

* Bin Amatsu is back to play another villain. This time it is Gensai The Wolf. In this episode we see the famous sword fight with Shintaro when Gensai loses his hand. Annoyingly this piece of action is repeated often as the 'intro ' to various seasons of The Samurai episodes that were released on DVD. When we watched on TV this into was only used in this season (story) of episodes. American voice actor Tom Korzeniowski is yet to join the dubbing team so Amatsu has the same voice that was used when he played The Spider in Season 2.

* Shintaro only appears 12 minutes into the episode when he rescues Okinu and fights Gensai.

* This episode has the biggest fight scene to date that involves the eight Koga Ninja (I know technically Iga but we'll stay with the original William Ross script) versus Tombei and his Iga ninjas. Amazingly no one is killed in this episode.

Episode 4 - Betrayed By A Ninja

* Kenkichi Hayakawa who plays the Iga Ninja Sannosuke (on left) was born in 1930. Year of death unknown. He was very active in acting in the 1960s and 70s and even playing roles up until the 1990s such as the series Abusive Shogun. He appeared as four characters in The Samurai series including The Weasel (picture on right) from Season 1. (A pity he was voiced by Cliff Harrington who also voiced Tombei. It would have been better to have another voice.)

* Genkaro is in disguise again - this time as a fisherman. Amazingly his ninjas who are under the sea are able to communicate with him quite clearly. A ninja skill! In this episode he kills Hikoroku.

* In this episode we get to see the "Ninja Circle Attack."

* For the first time we see Tombei using a bow and arrow as a weapon. He kills one of the Koga Ninja.

* Shintaro quote: "Life is much sweeter than death" - which he directs at Sannosuke. Episode ends with Sannosuke crying after committing an act of betrayal.

Episode 5 - A Spy's Revenge

* Episode 5 opens with a mock fight scene between Okei (female ninja) and Yashamaru. Yashamaru is particularly impressed by Kasumi's bamboo pipe trick.

* Okei is played by actress Ayumi Sawa and is in three episodes until her death in The Face Stealer.

* Yashamaru is played by a well known Japanese actor and singer Jun Otomo. He was born in 1899 and died in 1978. He would have been about 61 when he played this role in A Spy's Revenge. His career lasted from 1935 to 1974.

* The final fight scene was filmed at Hakone. It stands at the foot of Mount Hakone along the shores of Lake Ashinoko. See the 'then' and 'now' photos above.

* In this episode the Koga Ninja employ the 'wheel attack.' The fight scene with Shintaro ends up in the lake with Shintaro killing two Koga Ninjas. Sannosuke returns despite the fact that he had been hit with over a dozen star knives manages to get back and ends up drowning Yashamura before he dies. Okei trier to kill Shintaro but he says: "I'm very sorry, I don't feel like dying now."

Episode 6 - Poison Blade

* This episode opens with a. beautiful shot of Mt Fuji.

* A horse belonging to the captain of the guard also gets a starring role in this episode. And yes... Tombei continues to wear his 'beach hat.'

* Interesting to note that about 4 minutes into the episode we hear the well known Samurai theme. If you listen to the Japanese audio of the Samurai episode you can hear the vocal version but the English audio only has an instrumental. Maybe in the early stages of the program shown in countries outside of Japan they may have thought it sounded too weird to hear a song in Japanese. The group formed in 1958.

* Shintaro agrees to fight Genkaro at sunset. Genkaro begins the battle using his 'Fire Magic' trick (circle of flames). The fight ends in a draw with Genkaro withdrawing after suffering an injury to his left hand. Shintaro also had an injury to his right hand and Okei reveals that Genkaro's blade was coated in poison. Feeling sorry for Shintaro she actually gives him an antidote. This perplexes Tombei who ends the episode saying: "To me, women are a mystery."

Episode 7 - The Face Stealer

This is the 2nd episode to feature a 'Face Stealer'. The first was in Season 2 in the 2nd episode titled 'Stolen Face'. Koga Ninja Touma (pictured above) who call himself the 'Face Stealer' - impersonates Tombei.

* In this episode we learn that ninjas can run 40 miles a day. We also learn that Shintaro never knew the face of his mother or father. Of course we are assuming that fact is correct when Shintaro appears to Okei in a ghostly form and makes this statement.

* The only death committed by Shintaro in this episode occurs when he rescues Tombei and kills Touma the Face Stealer. The other death is of a repentant Okei who 'dies a woman'. She was mortally wounded by a Koga Ninja and dies in the arms of Shintaro.

* Actor and comedian Katsuo Omino played one of the Koga Ninjas. He was born in 1932. He went on to become a performer on children's TV programs and appeared in TV commercials.

Episode 8 - The Mysterious Pilgrims

* This episode shows Tombei playing doctor to his five Iga Ninjas who are all suffering from drinking poison. Fortunately they all make a recovery. In the Samurai we learnt that if someone is ill or injured the best remedy is a wet cloth placed on the forehead.

* No ninjas are killed in this episode!

* And no 'mysterious pilgrims' were injured or harmed in this episode.

Episode 9 - Hide And Seek Death

Shintaro and Tombei are pleased as they have now completed the 250 mile walk from Edo.

* This episode shows Tombei teaching a young boy Yoshimatsu a 'ninja hiding' trick.

* There is no fighting action in this episode until about 18 minutes in. Shintaro kills two Koga Ninja on the beach when he and Tombei rescue the young boy and his mother. Gensai (played by Bin Amatsu) retreats. With the death of two Koga Ninjas Genkaro now only has three men left. However he says he's off to find more recruits and will soon have 10 men.

* Three more of Tombei's men are killed which now leaves only three men.

Episode 10 - Dogan The Master Ninja

* Onime Dogan is played by Japanese actor and comedian Tomutsu Atake. Shintaro says that no one knows his age. In real life this was also true. His date of birth and death is unknown. We do know though that one of his first acting roles was in 1934 so he was probably in his 50s when he played Dogan. However he is best known in The Samurai for playing Genshin the head of the Puppet Ninja in Story 9. He also looked exactly the same for this role.

* Tombei has now ditched the 'beach hat' (my wording) and in this episode is shown with some facial growth.

* Shintaro is led into a secret passageway which turns out to be a bat cave with Genkaro and his men demonstrating the Ninja Bat Technique.

* Suiiki, one of Dogan's students, demonstrates the skill of catching fish with his own hands.

Episode 11 - The Stolen Case

* In this episode we discover that Suiiki, one of Dogan's students, is actually his grand-son. He is probably best known for playing Tsukiwa (Tsukioka Rinji/Moon Ring) in the Japanese series The Phantom Agents. This Senkosha program screened in Japan from January 1964 until March 1966. It was shown in Australia on Channel 7 (ATN 7) in Sydney in 1966.

* Dogon is distraught when Suiiki is killed. Because he discovers Shintaro's sword case he assumes that Shintaro was responsible - but it was by Gensai.

* Well before Mr T on the A Team uttered the phrase "I pity the fool" - we hear Genkaro mutter the line following the death of Suiiki.

* Shintaro kills one Koga Ninja in this episode, the same one that he had injured earlier.

* Episode finishes with Dogon offering advice to his three remaining pupils: "A ninja spirit is based on a clean mind to protect humanity and to uphold justice. Never work for personal gain or do anything wrong. This is the real ninja spirit."

Episode 12 - Wolf Ninja

* Genkuro is down to just three men so he hires five 'Wolf Ninja' - although in the Japanese translation he has merely hired another five Koga (Iga) ninjas.

* This episode features the Minakichi Castle. It is located on the old Tokaido highway connecting Kyoto with Edo and the provinces of eastern Japan. This was the most important highway in Edo Period Japan, and in the early Edo period. It was built in 1634 and is still standing today.

* Tombei's facial growth has gone!

* Actor Jun Haichi plays the role of one of the Koga Ninjas. He also played other characters in the Fuma Ninja 2 story, Ninja Terror story and even in the New Samurai TV series Story 1 (see picture above). He died aged 91 in 2018 and appeared in hundreds of TV programs and movies.

* Actor Masao Takahashi played the role of Toyama Jurozo. He was born in 1913 - year of death unknown. He played in numerous Japanese productions and also dubbed voices. He can be heard in the Japanese version of the British '60s TV series Prisoner that starred Patrick McGoohan.

* Gensai appears to be killed after a fight with Shintaro. But is he? The answer is revealed in Story 4.

Episode 13 - The Last Duel

* This episode features the 'most bloopers' of any program in the series which is still pretty good for a low budget TV series filmed in the early '60s. At about the 4 minute mark if you look carefully in the background to the right you will see 5 vehicles including a truck passing by. This also occurs at about the 7 minute mark. But when we watching the series as kids in the '60s on a small black and white television set there is no way we would have spotted. And if we thought we may have... we would have doubted and of course we couldn't rewind or freeze frame!

* All 10 Koga (Genkoro's men) were dead by the end of this program. And we assume that Gensai has also died. But the main thing is... Lord Sadanobu is safe! (I love his quote: "It's been a long time since I've had the chance to write poems in the moonlight.")

* Dogan's three students all survived - but all Tombei's Iga Ninjas died in battle.

* In the final minutes we hear the famous 'Shintaro' theme but unlike the original Japanese audio - we don't hear the Bonny Jacks singing.

* This is the final appearance of the actor Toshiyuki Katsuki (Genkuro) in The Samurai series.